French references


Regional projects in 2021 2021 02 08 marqueur jaune


Vertical and lidar acquisition for road section near Thonon-les-Bains

Sensor CityMapper 2 - RGB and lidar data - GSD 5cm, density 20pts/m²


IGN LiDAR HD - LOT 2 & 7

Lidar acquisition high definition for IGN (Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière) open data ressources over two big areas in south-west and south-east of France - Lot 2 : 37 500km² - Lot 7 : 19 930km²

Sensor CityMapper 2 and TerrainMapper 2 - lidar data - density 10pts/m²

2021 02 08 09 27 32 Accueil Portail IGN IGN

Enedis cvl - Poitou-Charente - IDF - Burgundy

Vertical acquisition for Enedis over Châteauroux, Royan, Venarey-les-Laumes, Is-sur-Tille, Auxonne and west Paris region - total 3450km²

Sensor DMCIII and TerrainMapper - RGB and lidar data - GSD 5cm, density 2pts/m²

2021 02 08 10 22 18 enedis Recherche Google


Oblique and lidar acquisition high resolution for 3D application above Angers Loire Metropole - 675km²

Sensor CityMapper 2- RGB-IR and lidar data  - GSD 5cm, density 26pts/m²




Vertical acquisition for Simplified Street Plan for Syndicat Départemental d'Energie des Côtes d'Armor (SDE 22) over Côtes-d'Armor departement - 7200km²

Sensor DMCIII and TerrainMapper - RGB and lidar data - GSD 5cm, density 4pts/m²



Oblique and lidar acquisition for city modeling plus vertical infra-red acquisition for building heat loss over a neighborhood of the city of Nîmes - 0.5km²

Sensor CityMapper 2 - RGBN and lidar data - GSD 4cm, density 30pts/m²


 CRAIG 3D Vichy - saint-etienne

Oblique and lidar acquisition high resolution for 3D photomesh and texturing over the city of Vichy and Saint-Etienne - 50km²

Sensor CityMapper 2 - RGB and lidar data - GSD 3cm, density 30pts/m²

2021 02 08 10 57 02 Accueil Craig








Regional projects in 2020 2021 02 08 marqueur bleu

 Département 31

Vertical acquisition for Simplified Streeet Plan for IGN (Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière) over Haute-Garonne departement - 6035km²

Sensor DMCIII - 2 sets of RGB color and near infrared data - GSD 6CM

Lidar complement for MNT 2pts/m² with CityMapper

2021 02 08 09 27 32 Accueil Portail IGN IGN


Vertical acquisition for Simplified Street Plan for L.A. Geodata over Loire-Atlantique departement - 6139km²

Sensor DMCIII - RGBN data - GSD 5cm

2021 02 08 09 58 28 CCTP PCRS Image.docx Mode Protégé Word


Vertical acquisition for Enedis over Laval agglomeration - 600km²

Sensor DMCIII and TerrainMapper - RGB and lidar data - GSD 5cm, density 3pts/m²

2021 02 08 10 22 18 enedis Recherche Google

 CRAIG : Isère, allier and ain

Vertical acquisiton for underground networks facilities for CRAIG (Centre Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes de l'Information Géographique) and TE38 (Territoire d'Energie de l'Isère) over 2 locations in Isère, 1 in Allier and 2 in Ain departements - 3652km²

Sensors DMCIII and DMCII - RGB data - GSD 5cm

2021 02 08 10 57 02 Accueil Craig 2021 02 08 10 57 32 Collectivités Energie Isère Grenoble TE38 LEnergie Des Territoires


Vertical acquisition for Simplified Street Plan for Communauté d'Agglomération Pau Béarn Pyrénées and PIGMA (Plateforme d'échange de données en Nouvelle-Aquitaine) over Pau agglomeration - 415km²

Sensor DMCIII - RGB data - GSD 5cm

Lidar complement for MNT 2pts/m² with ALS70

2021 02 08 14 22 38 CCTP PCRS.pdf pau 2021 02 08 14 22 54 CCTP PCRS.pdf pigma


Vertical acquisiton high altitude for orthophotography for Syndicat intercommunal du Bassin d'Arcachon over bassin d'Arcachon - 1260km²

Sensor DMCIII - RGB data - GSD 15cm

2021 02 08 15 25 16 BassinArcachon


Vertical acquisition for 2020 update of land resitry over several french towns

Sensors DMCIII and DMCII - RGB data - GSD 5-6cm

2021 02 09 09 33 19 SDNC



















High density lidar acquisition for hydrology studies for Conseil Départemental du Haut-Rhin over Haut-Rhin departement - 2358km²

Sensor TerrainMapper - density 10pts/m²

2021 02 08 11 22 52 Haut Rhin


Vertical and lidar acquisition for orthophotography for Bordeaux Métropole over its metropolitan area - 625km²

Sensors DMCII and TerrainMapper - RGBN and lidar data - GSD 10cm, density 10pts/m²

2021 02 08 11 47 03 Bordeaux Métropole site officiel Bordeaux Métropole



Vertical acquisition for Simplified Street Plan for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole over its metropolitan area - 440km²

Sensor DMCIII - RGB data - GSD 5cm

Lidar complement for MNT 2pts/m² with CityMapper

2021 02 08 11 59 21 Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole


Vertical and lidar acquisition for 3D modeling for CENZUB over Sissonne camp in Aisne departement - 115km²

Sensor CityMapper 2 - RGBN and lidar data - GSD 6.9cm, density 15pts/m²


Lidar acquisition for wind turbines and solar parc installation for Elements over several locations in France

Sensor CityMapper - density 15 to 30pts/m²

2021 02 08 15 07 15 Eolien elements


Lidar acquisition for hydrology studies for Epage Sequana over river Seine and its tributaries in Côte d'Or - 284km²

Sensor TerrainMapper - density 15pts/m²

2021 02 08 15 37 25 CSequana


Vertical acquisition for Simplified Street Plan for SYANE (Syndicat des Energies et de l'Aménagement Numérique de la Haute-Savoie)  over Thonon-les-Bains, Evian and Annemasse - 110km²

Sensor DMCIII - RVB data - GSD 5cm

2021 02 09 09 21 42 syane